Tag! You're It!

I've been tagged by Cutesypoo!

The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Here we go!
1.) I'm loyal to a fault.
2.) I am the pickiest eater you will ever meet. I eat like a 5 year old.
3.) I have such a big art collection, I can't afford to frame half of it, and most of the rest is going into storage because there aren't enough walls at our new place to hang it all up. Boo.
4.) I really love sprinkle cookies. Especially the ones from Jerry's deli.
5.) I am a secret pack rat, and have absurd emotional connections to random things that I can't throw out. This will, inevitably, drive my minimalist boyfriend crazy.
6.) I love anything with a face on it. Especially things that don't have faces normally, like spoons, eggs, poop, etc.
7.) All I really want to do is travel around the world, being a benefactor for new, yet-to-be discovered artists, and help them with their distribution and product ideas.

Here's who I am tagging:
1.) Miss Mindy, although I know she is very busy cartooning these days.
2.) Shannon, who shares my Blythe obsession and owns my favorite pup.
3.) Natalie, who has the best taste of anyone I've only barely met :)
4.) Noferin, because they are super awesome artists & humans.
5.) Jill @ Visions of felties cause she is awesome!
6.) Jannie @ Chickengirl, an amazing illustrator!
7.) Ragnheidur, of Everything Nice, who is super sweet & has a great blog that you should definitely check out!


  1. ha ha ha - i collect everything too! oliver goes crazy every time he is in my apartment. if it were up to him, my house would have nothing but minimalist furniture and maybe a houseplant in it.

  2. Dan and I are finally moving in together, and I constantly see him walking around my house with a very worried look on his face...
    It will probably take us 1 hour to move all of Dan's stuff, and about 3 days to move mine!

  3. Well, I also a sucker for anything with a face on it too. Hahah! (and yes, I collect it too!)

    Thanks for the tag and kind words :-)

  4. Anonymous10/03/2007

    I want to tag you too...but all those rules are more html savvy than I am :(
    I'm totally making you a spoon person for the next holiday!


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