Piktorama for Poolga!

For those of you who aren't already familiar with Poolga, it's an awesome invite-only gallery of iPod touch, and iPhone wallpapers by amazing artists from around the world. With all of the iPhone news circulating the internet over the past week, it seemed like a good time to jump in, and let people know how to spice up their phone a bit!

Browsing through their collection of wallpapers, I came across the insanely talented artist, Piktorama who has two pieces up on the site (which I promptly downloaded for Courtney's return).

Aside from Poolga, Piktorama has a ton of awesome work up on her Flickr page. Everyone should drop in and add her as a friend!


  1. I really enjoy the content you post on your site. This latest entry is no exception. Peas.


  2. thank you! i'm so glad you enjoy the posts!


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