TokiDoki tonight @ MunkyKing

Simone Legno will be signing his new vinyl toy duo, Adios & Ciao Ciao tonight at Munky King on Melrose.
Simone is super nice, and whenever he has signed toys for me in the past, he has always added a cute little drawing too.

I can't believe the huge success TokiDoki has achieved as a brand over the past year! Simone's art is everywhere- on Fornarina shoes, Smashbox Cosmetics, LeSportsac bags... it's on so many different products! I think a lot of times when artists start putting their images on a lot of different products, they start to get lazy and forget to interpret the art for the particular item it is going to appear on. Simone is one of the few artists who seems to really consider the usability of an item, and design it accordingly.
Simone is definitely the "it" designer this year, and I am very happy for him and his success!
Also, check out the brand new TokiDoki website, it just got updated, and the TokiDoki blog, too!


  1. Man, I really want Adios but I've spent so much lately! I finally got Cactus Love the other day before it disappears, and I was sad to find out that the Sandy and Mozzarella plush are on hold indefinately. :(

  2. Oh no! That's lame... I wonder why they didn't end up making them? I saw the Mozzarella plush prototype at Comic Con last year, and she was super cute! Bummer! :(

  3. Anonymous9/10/2007

    Love it !!!

    buy it here

  4. Anonymous9/19/2007

    More new goodies !!

  5. Anonymous10/17/2007

    I found some great clothes on this website but i want some jewerly can anyone help me out ?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous1/29/2008

    TokiDoki newest stuff is so cute !!!

  8. TokiDoki vinly is really awesome.


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