Vancouver 2010 Mascots by Meomi!

I haven't chatted with Courtney today, but I know that she's been having trouble connecting to the internet(s) at work over the past couple days. I don't really have explicit permission to jump in here and post, but it looks like she hasn't changed her password since I covered for her while she was away at Pool; and frankly, I'm just so excited about my 'cute-find' that I couldn't resist.

Long time TKB favorite Meomi recently released both artwork and videos of their Vancouver 2010 Olympic mascot designs (which are cu-dorable!).

Meet Sumi:

"Sumi is an animal spirit who lives in the mountains of British Columbia. Like many Canadians, Sumi's background is drawn from many places. He wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the mighty thunderbird and runs on the strong furry legs of the black bear."


"Quatchi is a young sasquatch who comes from the mysterious forests of Canada. Quatchi is shy, but loves to explore new places and meet new friends. Although Quatchi loves all winter sports, he’s especially fond of hockey. He dreams of becoming a world-famous goalie."

and Miga:

"Miga is a young sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod, out past Vancouver Island near Tofino, British Columbia. Sea bears are part killer whale and part bear. Miga is part Kermode bear, a rare white bear that only lives in British Columbia."

In all honestly I didn't even know that Vancouver was hosting the 2010 Olympics, but after crossing paths with the Sumi, Quatchi, and Miga I've taken new interest!


  1. Best Olympic characters ever!

  2. So cute that they will make the world happy!

  3. Anonymous12/09/2009


    I am a super fans of the winter Olympic mascots. My favorite is Miga!
    I collected all four plushies. (lots of money ...>_<... but i love them so much)

    Anyways, 4 , yeah, they have a friend name MukMuk, the mascot sidekick.

    And yes, I rarely see any olympic mascot as cute as they are.


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