Junko Mizuno & Fornarina

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Ahhhh! Junko Mizuno has designed a collection of clothing, bags ands accessories for Fornarina! From what I can tell on Fornarina's not so awesome website- everything looks amazing! There is some jewelry in this collection that I am especially loving.

A few years ago Fornarina did a collaboration with Miss Van and she painted their Melrose store. I am always gaping at it whenever I walk by- I want those walls! I wonder if Junko will be decorating any store fronts?

This collection looks like a great representation of Junko's art- I love how some of the pieces have such bold graphics and others just a subtle pattern. I'm looking forward to seeing this collection in person- I don't know when it will be in stores but I am assuming it's nearly in there now.

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  1. I was in the flagship store in london yesterday and bought a necklace and a handbag! Also nabbed a catalogue and everything looks so great in there! they only have a selected range in store (I found that a bit annoying as it's a flagship store yet I cant get every item i want in there!)

  2. they didn't have hardly anything in the store in los angeles- i couldn't even get a necklace or bag :(


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