Catalina Estrada & Pancho Tolchinsky : Backyard

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NotCot got a special sneak peek into "Backyard" the wonderful new show by Catalina Estrada and her husband, Pancho Tolchinsky taking place at Galeria Ras on October 29th in Barcelona.

Catalina's gorgeous work will be layered over Pancho's photographs of scenes from the backyard. I feel like this is how my brain works- I see the world how it really looks, but I imagine all sorts of illustrated animals and creatures peeking out at me. This is such a fresh new way to see Catalina's work, and it's completely wonderful!

Here is the full description of the show:
“Gardens, flowers and gnomes become small pieces of heaven constructed at human scale. The photographer Pancho Tolchinsky takes us on a trip through his characteristic colors to visit small fragments of heaven in locations as disparate as Scotland, Venice Beach or Jerusalem. In line with his photography, Tolchinsky finds the way to connect reality with imagination, the material world of experience with the ideal world of our memories.

Backyard is the first exhibition in which Tolchinsky collaborates with his wife, the excellent illustrator Catalina Estrada, known for creating magical worlds field with colors. This couple of artists propose a refine synergy between photography and illustration, creating an aesthetical trip that pulls the viewer from reality into wonderland”

Catalina designs some amazing clothing for the fashion brand Anunciação, and some of these new works have already been made into clothing. You can also buy prints of the pieces from this collaboration on Catalina's webshop.

1 comment:

  1. i'm always finding new good artists through you... she builds a very interesting world :)


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